Well, this is it. The last post I'll ever send out to you all from my missino field. One more week ahead for me and I'll be home. It is going to be an amazing week. Up to Thursday I'll still be in Cyprus Larnaca and I'll have to avoid death by overeating. We've been invited at numerous homes. So, we'll be busy... Then I've got my interview with Presidend Freestone on Friday, shopping on Saturday and too much church on Sunday before flying out Monday morning. It'll be great and quick!
This past week wasn't the best for numbers, many of our investigators lost their enthusiasm and they didn't really find time to meet with us. Nonetheless it was a great week, punctuated by some great miracles.
On Wednesday at institute sister Lucy impressed us once more by coming up to us and saying there was a man named Denny that wanted to come to the church now. He was already at the bus stop. So we went there to pick him up and we showed him around the church. He liked it a lot and this Sunday he come to church right after work (he's a baker) and stayed for the classes. We then had a lesson with him later in the afternoon where he shared some of his concerns regarding religion in our day and the confusion the different sects create. It was really cool. He also brought his friend along who liked the services and the lesson too. That was a wonderful miracle.
Josie, me, Maria. Some great members. |
Elder Watts, Lynne, me, Amanda, Sister Hansen, Teresa, and Mo xD |
Elder Watts, Leah, me |
Elder Watts, Eliel (one of our investigating friends), me |
We had another miracle showing the hand of the Lord in our lives. We went in the evening to see an investigator from Africa at his house. He'd told us that we could pass by around 8 o'clock on Sunday. When we rang his bell, he didn't answer and no one else was in the flat either. We were about to leave again when we heard some music and talking in the neighboring flat and we felt like we should knock on the door. So we rang the bell and almost immediatly it opened and a nice young African asked us to come in before we could say anything. We did. We introduced ourselves and got talking with him and his friend that lives there too. They both seemed interested in our message. We shared some of our spiritual experiences we had and they had and we were able to give them a book of mormon and they also promised to come to church on Wednesday for Institute. It was amazing. It was like they were waiting for us to knock on their door. Both had difficult past experiences that redirected their lives back to God.
I'm glad for the examples of these and all the other people I've had in my mission. It has been more for me than anyone I've served in these two years. I've learned and grown so much. I'm eternally grateful for the opportunity that was afforded me to serve. I've come to know my Savior more than I thought possible. I learned that there is more to this world than sheltered Switzerland and happy valley in Utah. I know how great my life really is. I've learned to appreciate life much more. i'm glad to have served here and i wouldn't trade this experience for nothing in the world.
I wish you all a wonderful life and a great week! I'll see most of you some time sooner or later and I hope I was able to touch at least one of you by sharing the things that touched my life.
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