The past week has been a curious one. It was completely different to what we had hoped or expected. We had only one lesson with an investigator and that was very disappointing. Without fail all of our investigators couldn't or wouldn't meet with us for one reason or another. However, we were blessed in other ways and I hope that we'll have investigator lessons again next week. We did find success in giving out Books of Mormon and that was a comfort.
We had some cool things going on. We had an exchange on Wednesday and Thursday. I went to work with Elder Neville (France) in his area while his companion Elder Bernskov (Denmark) worked with Elder Uhlig in ours. The funny thing about Elder Neville and his investigators is that they are actually all living in my area. He's the only French speaking guy and so he gets to teach all the French speaking Africans and they all live in my area of Athens. So we actually ended up spending quite a bit of our exchange in my area. xD It was a fun experience to teach in French with Elder Neville. I realized that I understand a lot of it. I almost always knew what the investigators were talking about but when I tried to say something in French only Greek would come out. So I would listen to them carefully and then speak in English and Elder Neville would translate for me xD. It was probably a very funny sight to behold.
We had an instance of the Lord's hand in our lives this last Friday and Saturday. I was inspired during our weekly planning on Friday to call Steven, a less active member who had only about two months ago told us that he didn't want any contact with the church or anything (he didn't even tell us his new address). Well, he answered the phone on Friday and he miraculously agreed to meet with us on Saturday. We came to the appointed place at the appointed time with some doubt in our minds concerning his actual appearance at the place. Lord knows what He's doing. Steven came and led us to his home and we had a great discussion with him. We learned why he didn't come to church and that he still has a testimony and we also learned that why he agreed to meet with us. He felt his heart softened because of us being so diligent in trying to meet him and communicate with him (Sister Coleman sends him a text for each activity we have). He's agreed to meet us again and we'll start working with him and helping him overcome his difficulties to come back to full activity.
I'm grateful that I was ready to listen to such a prompting and to do what the spirit tells me. I'm glad that the Lord takes such a personal concern into the matters of His children and their welfare.
We had another cool miracle this Sunday. We were on our way to church in the morning (to the Greek-speaking branch) because one of our investigators said that he'd come. As we were in the metro an other investigator called us and asked when church started. We told him. He then showed up, a little late, for sacrament meeting and stayed all hours for all the classes. It was pretty cool. I'm glad that the Lord gave us this miracle to uplift us and to help our investigator feel His love. It turned out to be a great Sunday and both branches had great services. Yes, we went to church twice yesterday. And no, it isn't as boring as it sounds.xD
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